Tibetan Art and Symbolism - Photography Project

Painting in Temple of Elephant Carrying Offerings
A recent project in Colorado was to record the amazing paintings around the temple building at Tara Mandala. The beautiful three story temple was painted by Lama Gyurmed, a renowned Buddhist artist who lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico now. He is one of the last Tibetan Thangka Painters to be traditionally trained in Tibet. He gives lessons in traditional Buddhist painting and is available for adding beautiful designs on homes, buildings and other special projects.
He is a very kind, funny and a wonderful being. 

Wood over doorway- Padmasembhava with Yeshe Tsogyal and Mandarava

Offering Goddesses holding Lotus
Elaborate Wood Painted Beams at Temple Entrance
Three Pomogranates

Three Pear Fruits
Lama Gyurme painting column for new gate
